Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My First Post

Is there anything I can share that anyone will want to read?  I am married to a fabulous man I've known all my life (that story is for another post).  We have two remarkable children, I'm sure I'll write about them sometime too. We have two cats, and  friends and family all over the country.   I'm in year 26 of a career in law firm administration.   I've watched All My Children since I was about 5 and am sad it's ending this September.  And I've watched GH since I was about 10 and am so glad it's not ending (shout out to Kat)!  But I'm more than the sum of my soaps!  I've been blessed with many life experiences, some have been wonderful, others have been, well...."learning opportunities."  I have many thoughts and ideas and observations.  But can I turn all of this -- all of ME and my life -  into into words that you will find interesting, humorous or inspirational?  Since third grade I've been a writer-wanna be (not sure I've ever told anyone that truth).  Could there be a Carrie Bradshaw, Dave Barry, Maureen Dowd, or Mitch Albom buried inside of me, waiting to exhale?  Just sayin'.   

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