Saturday, June 8, 2013

Mama Got a New Pair of Shoes

Gary took me to the Running Room after work yesterday and bought me a new pair of running shoes, or rather, walking-and-I-run-a-little-bit shoes.  He called me at work in the afternoon and offered to take me shoe shopping and out to dinner.  His timing - as usual - was perfect.

I am in the 50th year of my life.  Ooohhhhh, that's a little hard to say.  I haven't hit the big birthday yet, but the next one is it.  The past few years have brought about many changes in my life and I've been contemplating where I am in and where I'm headed, and I've spent some time in front of the mirror.  Not the proverbial mirror; the actual mirror.  All I've been able to see are extra pounds.  Pounds I have been struggling to rid myself of.   In my 30's I gained and lost weight more than once with no problem -- well, obviously gaining is usually pretty easy.  But losing was pretty easy for me too.  Not only are my 30's in my rear view mirror, the ease of losing weight is far behind me too.   

Sugar Busters, Atkins, Weight Watchers, Medifast, Lose It App, food journaling, Dr. Oz's recommended Fast name it, I've researched it, tried it, and basically failed at it.   I've cut out carbs, cut out my beloved pretzels, drink an ocean's worth of water each day, given up my homemade sweetened ice tea (which is legendary to my son Kyle), and don't eat sweets.  It's Special K for breakfast, salad for lunch, protein and salad for dinner......all to no avail.  It's unlikely I will meet my 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 by 50 goal.

Recently I read an article about fashion designer Betsey Johnson.  She built up a fabulously successful business, had designer stores all over the country, then in 2012 lost everything to bankruptcy and had to sell her brand to Steve Madden.  Along with the article was her picture.  She's 70 years old, and boy, she looks good for 70.  She's slender and physically fit and was fashionably dressed.    But here's what struck me.  She "bragged" in the article about her "great" life: she eats dinner at the same Italian restaurant every night and has the same champagne and flirts with young, attractive waiters.  Really?  That's a great life?  There was no mention of her enjoying time with a spouse or significant other, or children or grandchildren, or friends.  Each day all she looks forward to is champagne and an attractive waiter?

Which brings me to Gary's perfect timing yesterday.  After we got my new walking-and-I-run-a-little-bit shoes, we went out to dinner.  Because of our career demands and work travel, we haven't had a chance to talk much this past week.  I needed to visit the GP confessional.  So last night I confessed that my latest diet attempt had failed and that after a great deal of self reflection, soul searching and some prayer, I had come to a decision -- NO MORE FOCUSING ON MY WEIGHT!  I am DONE DONE DONE!!  The only diet I want to be on is a D.I.E.T = Did I Eat Today?   I want to make healthy food choices, and most of the time I will, but sometimes I won't because it's fun and normal to eat a pretzel and enjoy a glass of sweet tea!  And to my surprise and relief, Gary was happy about this!  He told me he was tired of me suffering through diets!   He said all the things I know in my head, but hearing them from the other half of my heart meant so much.....I have a husband who loves me, we have beautiful children who are building happy lives of their own; we have successful careers; we have a large, loving extended family; we have friends all over the country; and most important of all, he loves me and he loves how I look. 

I will take care of my physical body so I can be around when I'm 70, not to drink champagne in the same Italian restaurant every night and flirt with attractive waiters, but to enjoy my husband and our children and hopefully grandchildren.  

So I have new goal by the time I'm 50.  To wear out my new walking-and-I-run-a-little-bit shoes so I'll need a new pair for my birthday!!

Just sayin'.


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