Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Prayers of Thanksgiving

I remember the good night prayer from my childhood:  “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.  Watch me through the dark of night, wake me when the day is bright.  God bless Mommy, Daddy, Kathy and Ricky; Gram and Grandpop and Granny; Aunt Jean, Uncle Fred and Gail; MomMom and PopPop; God bless everybody.  Make Laurie be a good girl.  Amen.”    Everyone once in a while, I silently recite the prayer as I lay in bed at night.  I guess I’m still hoping for help in the good girl department!

Daily prayers have always been a priority for me.  I pray to God for support and guidance for myself and others in need; I lift up prayers of praise for the goodness in my life and the goodness I see around me.  I pray to end the suffering of those who are ill or suffering the evils of the world.  And I pray to God with thanks for the many blessings in my life:  my husband, my children, my family, my friends, my home, my job, my belongings, and the many opportunities I have for pleasure.

Gary and I will spend part of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in New Orleans with our children.  It’s been several months since the four of us have been together and we are really looking forward to being with them.  Dear friends will host the holiday meal.  The forecast calls for a sunny, 70 degree day.  I will have many prayers of thanks to lift on Thanksgiving night!

Later in the weekend we will fly to the East coast and spend time with Delaware family.  I haven’t seen my parents or sister in many, many months, and even though it will be a short visit, it will be special.  It’s amazing how much food, talk, and laughter we’ll manage to fit in during our 24 hours together.  Prayers of praise!

We’ll wrap up our East coast visit at the Philadelphia Eagles game vs. the New England Patriots.  I can’t even talk about the Eagles as the topic of their season is far too depressing, especially for a holiday weekend.  I am just praying for the season to be over!

Throughout the holiday weekend Gary’s Dad will be on my mind.  For a long time he has been living with lung cancer and we know he doesn’t have many days left in this life.  He is a strong, kind, generous, faithful man and I have been lifting prayers of thanks for knowing him most of my life, and for having him as a father-in-law.  Throughout his illness he has prayed for God’s will in his life.  I too, pray for God’s will in Dad's life, and that he endures no suffering.

Be safe this Thanksgiving holiday, whether you are traveling across the country or a short distance away from home.  If you are going out to a restaurant, to someone’s home, cooking the turkey, or picking it up from the grocery store, may your meal be bountiful and filling, to your stomach and your heart.  Don’t let tensions or old family feuds interfere with your day.  Enjoy the Macy’s Day parade, the football games, or play a board game with the kids.  Remember in prayer those who have to work on Thanksgiving –  hospital workers, police and fire personnel, and the retail workers who will greet the early bird Christmas shoppers.

To my family and friends near and far, Happy Thanksgiving.  God Bless everybody.

Just sayin’.


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