Monday, February 13, 2012

My Valentine

"Every kiss begins with K....."  We all heard that commercial during the Christmas holidays, and it's on repeat as Valentine's Day approaches.  I heard on the news Americans spend an average of $126.00 on cards, candy, gifts, and dinners for V-Day; this is second only to the Christmas season - a retailer's dream. 

I remember in elementary school decorating a brown paper bag in which classmates would place Valentine's.  This was in the days before it was mandated that a student had to give a Valentine to every classmate, and the anticipation of waiting to see who would give me a Valentine was as much fun as receiving the Valentine itself.  We would have a Valentine's Day party; the room mothers would bring decorated cupcakes and cookies, and and those little heart candies with messages.  We'd decorate a doily so we'd have a valentine to take home to Mom and Dad.  Valentine's Day was fun and simple.

In middle and high school there would often be a Sweethearts Dance scheduled around Valentine's Day.   Oh, the advance agony! Will he ask me?  Should I ask him?  Should we go as a group without dates?  What a relief, I have a date!  The night of the big dance we’d wait for that big moment when the DJ would spin everyone’s favorite slow dance song…..Zeppelin’s Stairway to Heaven. 

When Emily was young I helped her prepare Valentine's for her classmates and all the kids at daycare, as well as for her Dad, out of town grandparents and cousins.  I always gave her a special Valentine along with a small gift.  It was an opportunity for me to teach her the importance of expressing love and affection. 

Gary and I will celebrate Valentine's Day, as we do every year.  He told me a few weeks ago he made dinner reservations, and I have a small gift for him that I'm pretty sure will surprise him (which is very difficult to do!)  We express our feelings to each other in words and actions every day and don't need a V-Day dinner or gifts as an affirmation of our love or commitment to one another.  So why do we make a big deal out of February 14th each year?   I’ve been giving that some thought the past few days.  There is no revelation that has come to me other than Gary and I not only love each other, but we have a lot of respect for our relationship and our marriage.  It is important to both of us that we take care of our relationship, that we nurture it, tend to it, and make it a priority always.  That means making time for special events like Valentine’s Day dinners.

And when we come home from the restaurant, I’ll ask him to put on some classic rock, and maybe we’ll slow dance to some Led Zep. 

Just sayin'.


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