Monday, August 6, 2012

A View From the Top

Twice this weekend I had a reason to celebrate my view from the top.

On Friday evening I went to our neighborhood high school to observe the American Cancer Society Relay for Life luminaria bag lighting ceremony.  Earlier that evening I had dropped off several bags that Emily and I had decorated in honor and memory of friends and loved ones.  Our bags were placed around the track alongside hundreds of other bags honoring and commemorating those who have faced the awful disease of cancer.  The track was a circle of golden light from the candles in the luminaria bags.   Thunder and wind storms were imminent, but the night was still as the Relay for Life walkers took a silent lap around the track to remember those who lost their battle with cancer.
I could barely see the walkers because it was so dark, but I could see the blue light each was holding.  In the bleachers on the “visitors” side, bags were lovingly arranged to spell out “HOPE.”  Becuase everyone else was walking on the track, I was seated all alone, at the very top of the bleacher stands.  It was a gorgeous view, and this view from the top is one I will repeat each year at a Relay for Life event.

On Saturday, special friends joined us at a popular Minneapolis restaurant, where we had an early evening light dinner on the restaurant’s rooftop lounge, overlooking downtown Minneapolis.  We enjoyed cocktails, sushi, good conversation, and fun people watching.   Because we were outside on a rooftop, the drinks were served in plastic glasses, but everything else was sparkly and shiny, including the sun, which was shining at just the right angle – it wasn’t too hot, despite the cement floor and marble table tops.  Our view was of several Minneapolis high rise office buildings, including the one in which I work; hotels, and theatre marquees.  One such marquee was announcing the upcoming show of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young and our friends decided they would get tickets to that show.
I took a minute to stand at the railing of the rooftop and look down below at the streets I walk so frequently during the workday.  It was early on a Saturday evening, so there weren’t quite as many folks on the street as there are mid-day during the week, but there was still plenty to see from my view up above.  Lots of people riding bicycles (Minneapolis is a city known for its cyclists).  Cabs whizzing by.  Couples walking, perhaps to dinner, or to one of the many theatres (the Twin Cities is second only to New York City in live theatre per capita), or maybe they were just strolling to enjoy the cooler temps we had this weekend.

In some ways the past year and a half has been trying for me.   I don’t need to write about my challenges or heartache or traumas because I know that while the details are different, many of you have the same story.  But I recently made a promise to myself that from now on I’m going to enjoy the view from the top as often as possible.  I hope you will too.
Just sayin’.


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